Glasgow Access Panel - Improving Access For All

Glasgow Access Panel (GAP): Improving Access For Disabled People

The Glasgow Access Panel (GAP) is a registered charity (charity number SCO36531). Our aim is to improve the accessibility of services, buildings, facilities and information across Glasgow for all disabled people.

What is an Access Issue?

Access issues take a large number of forms. Consider the following examples:

  • At your building society branch office there is a sign saying that an induction loop is available but no-one knows how to work it.
  • A public body advertises that information is available in alternative formats but when you phone them up for an audio version or large print copy they cannot provide you with one.
  • You know that there are more accessible buses on your route, but the journey from your house to the bus-stop is nearly impossible due to high pavements and street furniture.
  • Although your local cinema is ramped throughout, with low counters and more than one accessible toilet, you cannot open the heavy doors to get into the cinema itself.

In short, if you are not able to make a journey to a service and then use that service without serious disruption to yourself then you are encountering access issues. If you are encountering these, or similar problems in your everyday life, please get in touch!

GAP Services

Access Audits and Reports

The Glasgow Access Panel also provide access audits and written reports to organisations looking to improve the accessibility of their premises. For more information on this, see ‘What We Do’, or contact us with any questions, or if you would like to arrange an audit.

Leeds University Inclusive Public Space project

This is a project with an international reach requiring disabled participants in Glasgow. For more information, click here.

Members’ Events

Prior to lockdown, we held accessible events for local disabled people at the Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living. As of 2021, we are now holding regular Zoom meetups as a means of keeping in touch with our members, and the wider disabled community of Glasgow. If you would like to join our chats, please get in touch!

Glasgow Access Panel
Unit 17,
Chapel Street Estate,
G20 9BQ
0141 946 8488

Ask about our access audits for businesses and organisations

Tel: 0141 946 8488 / Contact Us

Access Audit Examples

Examples of poor accessibility:

An example of a suggested improvement that we 3D modelled for one organisation.

Contact us to discuss an audit.

GAP on Facebook


Glasgow Access Panel
Glasgow Access Panel
Unit 17, Chapel Street Estate
Maryhill G20 9BQ Scotland
0141 946 8488
Charity No: SCO36531